M 1/11 Course Introduction.
Women's Studies: Perspectives and Practices
W 1/13 Women’s Studies, Global Feminisms, and Feminist Education. Chapter 1, pp. 1-24.
F 1/15 Chapter 1, pp. 25-31, 40-42, 54-57: Adrienne Rich, “Claiming an Education;” Jennifer Baumgartner and Amy Richards, “A Day Without Feminism;” bell hooks, “Feminist Politics: Where We Stand;” Deborah Rhode, “Denials of Inequality;” Anna Quindlen, “Still Needing the F Word.” Photocopies: Filomena Chioma Steady, “African Feminism: A Worldwide Perspective;” Sonia Shah, “Presenting the Blue Goddess: Toward a National Pan-Asian Feminist Agenda.”
M 1/18 Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday. No class.
W 1/20 Chapter 1 and photocopied readings continued. Due: Commentary.
F 1/22 Chapter 1 and photocopied readings continued.
Systems of Privilege and Inequality in Women's Lives
M 1/25 Difference, Hierarchy, Oppression. Chapter 2, pp. 59-75. Due: Learning Activity (handout): Thank a Feminist optional draft.
W 1/27 Chapter 2, pp. 76-122: Patricia Hill Collins, “Toward a New Vision: Race, Class, and Gender as Categories of Analysis and Connection;” Marilyn Frye, “Oppression;” Lois Keith, “Tomorrow I’m Going to Rewrite the English Language;” Suzanne Pharr, “Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism;” Peggy Mcintosh, “White Privilege and Male Privilege;” Gloria Yamato, “Something About the Subject Makes It Hard to Name;” Donna Langston, “Tired of Playing Monopoly?” Baba Copper, “Voices: On Becoming Old Women;” Susan Wendell, “The Social Construction of Disability;” June Jordan, “Report from the Bahamas.” Due: Commentary.
F 1/29 Chapter 2 readings continued.
M 2/1 Chapter 2 readings continued.
Learning Gender in a Diverse Society
W 2/3 Biology, Culture, and Gender Performance. Chapter 3, pp. 124-139. Due: Commentary.
F 2/5 University Closed -- snow day.
M 2/8 University Closed -- snow day.
M 2/15 Constructing “Beauty.” Chapter 5, pp. 223-243, 244-285: Amy Bloom, “Hermaphrodites with Attitude;” Joan Brumberg, “Breast Buds and the ‘Training’ Bra;” Gloria Steinem, “If Men Could Menstruate;” Lisa R. Rubin et al., “Body Ethics and Aesthetics Among African American and Latina Women;” Rose Weitz, “What We Do for Love;” Lisa Miya-Jervis, “Hold That Nose;” Courtney E. Martin, “Love Your Fat Self;” Maya Angelou, “Phenomenal Woman.” Due: Learning Activity: Thank a Feminist final paper.
W 2/17 Film: Killing Us Softly 3. Chapter 5 readings continued. Due: Commentary.
F 2/19 Heteronormativity, Race, and Class. Chapter 4, pp. 170-185. Due: Learning Activity (p. 125): Tomboys and Sissies optional draft.
M 2/22 Chapter 4, pp. 186-203, 204-208, 211-212: Pepper Schwartz and Virginia Rutter, “Sexual Desire and Gender;” bell hooks, “Romance: Sweet Love;” Jennifer Baumgartner, “What Is Bisexuality?” Cherrie Moraga, “La Guera;” Paula Gunn Allen, “Some Like Indians Endure.” Due: Learning Activity: Examining Privilege final paper.
W 2/24 Chapter 4 readings continued. Due: Commentary. Due: Group Activism Project proposal.
F 2/26 Mid-term Exam.
Family Systems, Family Lives
M 3/1 Film: Florence & Robin. Due: Learning Activity: Tomboys and Sissies final paper.
W 3/3 What Makes a “Family”? Chapter 7, pp. 378-395. Due: Commentary. Due: Learning Activity (handout): Read a Romance Novel optional draft.
F 3/5 Chapter 7, pp. 396-404, 408-418: Emma Goldman, “Marriage and Love;” Miranda Kennedy, “Cheaper than a Cow;” Lisa Miya-Jervis, “Who Wants to Marry a Feminist?” Charlene Gomes, “Partners as Parents: Challenges Faced by Gays Denied Marriage;” Audre Lorde, “Man Child: A Black Lesbian Feminist’s Response.”
M-F 3/8-12 Spring Break. No class.
Women’s Work Inside and Outside the Home
M 3/15 Gendering “Jobs” and the Risks of Transgression. Chapter 8, pp. 426-447. Due: Learning Activity: Read a Romance Novel final paper.
W 3/17 Chapter 8, pp. 451-464, 483-493: Sharlene Hesse-Biber and Gregg Lee Carter, “A Brief History of Working Women;” Martha Burk, “Power Plays: Six Ways the Male Corporate Elite Keeps Women Out;” Carrie N. Baker, “The Women’s Movement Against Sexual Harassment.” Photocopy: Arlie Hochschild and Barbara Ehrenreich, Introduction from Global Woman. Due: Commentary.
F 3/19 Chapter 8 and photocopied readings continued. Due: Learning Activity (handout): What Makes a Family optional draft.
M 3/22 Chapter 8 and photocopied readings continued.
Resisting Violence Against Women
W 3/24 Violent Relationships, Date Rape, and Violence Based on Race, Class, and/or Sexual Orientation. Chapter 10, pp. 555-577. Due: Learning Activity: What Makes a Family final paper. Due: Commentary.
F 3/26 Chapter 10, pp. 590-606: Debra Anne Davis, “Betrayed by the Angel: What Happens When Violence Knocks and Politeness Answers?” Joetta L. Carr, “Campus Sexual Violence;” Grace Caroline Bridges, “Lisa’s Ritual, Age 10;” John Stoltenberg, “Pornography and Freedom;” Helen Clarkson, “War Crimes.” Photocopy: Miriam Tlali, “Fud-u-u-a.”
M 3/29 Chapter 10 and photocopied readings continued. Due: Learning Activity (p. 427): Housework and Technology optional draft.
W 3/31 Chapter 10 and photocopied readings continued. Due: Commentary.
State, Law, and Social Policy
F 4/2 Government Representation, Affirmative Action Mythology, the Legal System, and Reproductive Rights. Chapter 11, pp. 611-649, 656-658: Susan B. Anthony, “Constitutional Agreement;” Catharine A. MacKinnon, “Law in the Everyday Life of Women;” Ellen Bravo, “What This Nation Really Thinks of Motherhood: Welfare Reform;” Bay Fang, “The Talibanization of Iraq.”
M 4/5 Chapter 6, pp. 296-325, 360-376: Jael Silliman, et al., “Women of Color and Their Struggle for Reproductive Justice;” Eleanor Cooney, “The Way It Was.” Due: Learning Activity: Housework and Technology final paper.
W 4/7 Chapter 11 and Chapter 6 readings continued. Due: Commentary.
F 4/9 Chapter 11 and Chapter 6 readings continued. Due: Learning Activity (handout): Looking Good, Feeling Sexy, Getting a Man optional draft.
Women Confronting and Creating Culture
M 4/12 Identifying, Reading, and Resisting Cultural Scripts for “Woman.” Chapter 9, pp. 498-514.
W 4/14 Chapter 9, pp. 515-527, 534, 549-553: Virginia Woolf, “Thinking About Shakespeare’s Sister;” Audre Lorde, “Poetry Is Not a Luxury;” Gloria Anzuldúa, “The Path of the Red and Black Ink;” Ariel Levy, “Female Chauvinist Pigs;” Aya de Leon, “If Women Ran Hip Hop;” Jessica Valenti, “Pop Culture Gone Wild.” Online: Terisa Turner, Foreword to Mau Mau Women (interview with Muthoni Likimani); the abstract for “Feminism in the Mau Mau Resurgence;” comic: “Nakedness and Power.” Due: Commentary.
F 4/16 Chapter 9 and online readings continued. Due: Learning Activity: Looking Good, Feeling Sexy, Getting a Man final paper.
M 4/19 Chapter 9 and online readings continued. Due: Learning Activity (handout): The League of Women Voters optional draft.
Activism, Change, and Feminist Futures
W 4/21 Feminist Education, Avenues for Activism. Chapter 13, pp. 707-721. Due: Commentary.
F 4/23 Chapter 13, pp. 722-725, 729-754: Lisa Hogeland, “Fear of Feminism: Why Young Women Get the Willies;” Michael Kimmel, “Real Men Join the Movement;” Dazón Dixon Diallo, “Reflections of a Human Rights Educator;” Alice H. Eagly and Lida L. Carli, “Women and Leadership;” Ruth Rosen, Epilogue: “Beyond Backlash;” Jenny Joseph, “Warning.” Photocopy: Sojourner Truth, “Ain’t I a Woman?”
M 4/26 Chapter 13 and photocopied readings continued.
W 4/28 Chapter 13 readings and photocopied continued. Due: Learning Activity: The League of Women Voters final paper.
F 4/30 Final Exam.
W 5/5 8:00-10:00 a.m. Group Activist Project Presentations. Course wrap-up, reflection.
W 2/10 Chapter 3, pp. 140-168: Anne Fausto-Sterling, “Two Sexes Are Not Enough;” Judith Lorber, “The Social Construction of Gender;” Pamela J. Bettis and Natalie Guice Adams, “Short Skirts and Breast Juts: Cheerleading, Eroticism and Schools;” Natalie Wong, “When I Was Growing Up;” Judy Wajcman, “Virtual Gender;” Debra Rosenberg, “(Rethinking) Gender;” “R. W. Connell, “Masculinities and Globalization.”
Inscribing Gender on the Body: Sex, Power, and Intimacy
F 2/12 Finish discussion of Chapter 3 readings. Due: Blog commentary on Chapter 3 readings by 5pm EST. Due: Learning Activity (handout): Examining Privilege optional draft.
Inscribing Gender on the Body: Sex, Power, and Intimacy
F 2/12 Finish discussion of Chapter 3 readings. Due: Blog commentary on Chapter 3 readings by 5pm EST. Due: Learning Activity (handout): Examining Privilege optional draft.
M 2/15 Constructing “Beauty.” Chapter 5, pp. 223-243, 244-285: Amy Bloom, “Hermaphrodites with Attitude;” Joan Brumberg, “Breast Buds and the ‘Training’ Bra;” Gloria Steinem, “If Men Could Menstruate;” Lisa R. Rubin et al., “Body Ethics and Aesthetics Among African American and Latina Women;” Rose Weitz, “What We Do for Love;” Lisa Miya-Jervis, “Hold That Nose;” Courtney E. Martin, “Love Your Fat Self;” Maya Angelou, “Phenomenal Woman.” Due: Learning Activity: Thank a Feminist final paper.
W 2/17 Film: Killing Us Softly 3. Chapter 5 readings continued. Due: Commentary.
F 2/19 Heteronormativity, Race, and Class. Chapter 4, pp. 170-185. Due: Learning Activity (p. 125): Tomboys and Sissies optional draft.
M 2/22 Chapter 4, pp. 186-203, 204-208, 211-212: Pepper Schwartz and Virginia Rutter, “Sexual Desire and Gender;” bell hooks, “Romance: Sweet Love;” Jennifer Baumgartner, “What Is Bisexuality?” Cherrie Moraga, “La Guera;” Paula Gunn Allen, “Some Like Indians Endure.” Due: Learning Activity: Examining Privilege final paper.
W 2/24 Chapter 4 readings continued. Due: Commentary. Due: Group Activism Project proposal.
F 2/26 Mid-term Exam.
Family Systems, Family Lives
M 3/1 Film: Florence & Robin. Due: Learning Activity: Tomboys and Sissies final paper.
W 3/3 What Makes a “Family”? Chapter 7, pp. 378-395. Due: Commentary. Due: Learning Activity (handout): Read a Romance Novel optional draft.
F 3/5 Chapter 7, pp. 396-404, 408-418: Emma Goldman, “Marriage and Love;” Miranda Kennedy, “Cheaper than a Cow;” Lisa Miya-Jervis, “Who Wants to Marry a Feminist?” Charlene Gomes, “Partners as Parents: Challenges Faced by Gays Denied Marriage;” Audre Lorde, “Man Child: A Black Lesbian Feminist’s Response.”
M-F 3/8-12 Spring Break. No class.
Women’s Work Inside and Outside the Home
M 3/15 Gendering “Jobs” and the Risks of Transgression. Chapter 8, pp. 426-447. Due: Learning Activity: Read a Romance Novel final paper.
W 3/17 Chapter 8, pp. 451-464, 483-493: Sharlene Hesse-Biber and Gregg Lee Carter, “A Brief History of Working Women;” Martha Burk, “Power Plays: Six Ways the Male Corporate Elite Keeps Women Out;” Carrie N. Baker, “The Women’s Movement Against Sexual Harassment.” Photocopy: Arlie Hochschild and Barbara Ehrenreich, Introduction from Global Woman. Due: Commentary.
F 3/19 Chapter 8 and photocopied readings continued. Due: Learning Activity (handout): What Makes a Family optional draft.
M 3/22 Chapter 8 and photocopied readings continued.
Resisting Violence Against Women
W 3/24 Violent Relationships, Date Rape, and Violence Based on Race, Class, and/or Sexual Orientation. Chapter 10, pp. 555-577. Due: Learning Activity: What Makes a Family final paper. Due: Commentary.
F 3/26 Chapter 10, pp. 590-606: Debra Anne Davis, “Betrayed by the Angel: What Happens When Violence Knocks and Politeness Answers?” Joetta L. Carr, “Campus Sexual Violence;” Grace Caroline Bridges, “Lisa’s Ritual, Age 10;” John Stoltenberg, “Pornography and Freedom;” Helen Clarkson, “War Crimes.” Photocopy: Miriam Tlali, “Fud-u-u-a.”
M 3/29 Chapter 10 and photocopied readings continued. Due: Learning Activity (p. 427): Housework and Technology optional draft.
W 3/31 Chapter 10 and photocopied readings continued. Due: Commentary.
State, Law, and Social Policy
F 4/2 Government Representation, Affirmative Action Mythology, the Legal System, and Reproductive Rights. Chapter 11, pp. 611-649, 656-658: Susan B. Anthony, “Constitutional Agreement;” Catharine A. MacKinnon, “Law in the Everyday Life of Women;” Ellen Bravo, “What This Nation Really Thinks of Motherhood: Welfare Reform;” Bay Fang, “The Talibanization of Iraq.”
M 4/5 Chapter 6, pp. 296-325, 360-376: Jael Silliman, et al., “Women of Color and Their Struggle for Reproductive Justice;” Eleanor Cooney, “The Way It Was.” Due: Learning Activity: Housework and Technology final paper.
W 4/7 Chapter 11 and Chapter 6 readings continued. Due: Commentary.
F 4/9 Chapter 11 and Chapter 6 readings continued. Due: Learning Activity (handout): Looking Good, Feeling Sexy, Getting a Man optional draft.
Women Confronting and Creating Culture
M 4/12 Identifying, Reading, and Resisting Cultural Scripts for “Woman.” Chapter 9, pp. 498-514.
W 4/14 Chapter 9, pp. 515-527, 534, 549-553: Virginia Woolf, “Thinking About Shakespeare’s Sister;” Audre Lorde, “Poetry Is Not a Luxury;” Gloria Anzuldúa, “The Path of the Red and Black Ink;” Ariel Levy, “Female Chauvinist Pigs;” Aya de Leon, “If Women Ran Hip Hop;” Jessica Valenti, “Pop Culture Gone Wild.” Online: Terisa Turner, Foreword to Mau Mau Women (interview with Muthoni Likimani); the abstract for “Feminism in the Mau Mau Resurgence;” comic: “Nakedness and Power.” Due: Commentary.
F 4/16 Chapter 9 and online readings continued. Due: Learning Activity: Looking Good, Feeling Sexy, Getting a Man final paper.
M 4/19 Chapter 9 and online readings continued. Due: Learning Activity (handout): The League of Women Voters optional draft.
Activism, Change, and Feminist Futures
W 4/21 Feminist Education, Avenues for Activism. Chapter 13, pp. 707-721. Due: Commentary.
F 4/23 Chapter 13, pp. 722-725, 729-754: Lisa Hogeland, “Fear of Feminism: Why Young Women Get the Willies;” Michael Kimmel, “Real Men Join the Movement;” Dazón Dixon Diallo, “Reflections of a Human Rights Educator;” Alice H. Eagly and Lida L. Carli, “Women and Leadership;” Ruth Rosen, Epilogue: “Beyond Backlash;” Jenny Joseph, “Warning.” Photocopy: Sojourner Truth, “Ain’t I a Woman?”
M 4/26 Chapter 13 and photocopied readings continued.
W 4/28 Chapter 13 readings and photocopied continued. Due: Learning Activity: The League of Women Voters final paper.
F 4/30 Final Exam.
W 5/5 8:00-10:00 a.m. Group Activist Project Presentations. Course wrap-up, reflection.
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